Polarization & Glare
You know that uncomfortable light you see reflected off the water, a car’s windshield, or any other surface? That’s called glare and it’s cause by wavelengths of light bouncing in scattered directions know as polarized light. A polarized lens prevents the scattered light from reaching your eye and allowing only the “non-polarized” light through the lens. This gives you that more comfortable feeling when you put them on. 100% of Caribbean Sun lenses are polarized and that’s the only thing we believe should be used in a sunglass – why would you simply want anything else?
Nothing tires your eyes and robs out color more than glare, it’s like the Sun’s version of a gremlin. This horizontally reflected light eliminates your ability to see details and can even create hazardous situations when strong enough. The Caribbean Sun proprietary polarized film has been made to our specifications filtering out 99.9% of glare, with the highest extinction ratio and lowest birefringence possible. In layman’s terms, this means this lens takes names and kicks some ass. If you’ve gotten to this part and are reading about our lens, we really like you – that’s because we love this stuff too. It excites us and keeps our team constantly driven, finding better ways to improve lens performance.